

-The main purpose of this venue is to allow for escape. Escape being the key word here. I wanted guests to step into a world that removes the problems and pressures of their everyday lives but still maintaining the luxuries needed for comfort.

- I thought that it was important to begin with a lot of space. By giving the consumer more space I am allowing for greater relaxation and hence compliance with the first criteria.

-Space also allows for multiple activities on the premises with room for expansion. Kind of like a theme park.

- Another important criteria that I felt was necessary for a pleasurable stay was the wide range of activities. I wanted to make people feel as though there was always something for them to do, no matter who they are or what they are like personally.

- I also feel that by giving the resort a theme, it adds another level of attractiveness to the overall presentation or look of the resort. And a common theme also ties each activity together in a cohesive and interesting manner.

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