

Since space is limited, guests wishing to participate at Robin Hood Retreat must first place a reservation for a cabin. Cabin sizes vary in size and luxury according to the needs or desires of the costumer. Each cabin is completely isolated from one another, allowing for a more intimate experience with each perspective party, and nature for that matter. Unlike other hotel-like resorts around the world, guests don’t have to worry about disturbing neighbors. They can simply enjoy their own space as they see fit. The cabins themselves are themed around the earthy qualities and medieval style décor displayed in the Robin Hood tale. And although this primitive look may seem like a deterrent for more eloquent guests, the cabins are not actually primitive at all; instead, they take on a more Disney-like feel by incorporating the illusions of the time period with modern equipment and building materials. In fact, each room is air conditioned and contains modern bathrooms and kitchen areas. The Robin Hood theme is simply there to add to the guest’s enjoyment of art, nature, and total relaxation. This entire ‘living’ area of the resort is but a fraction of the entire resort.

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